Holiday Treasures Present Girl
  • No Cost to your school
  • Great gifts at kid prices
  • Ez Scanner for checkout
  • Fundraiser for your PTO

South Dakota

Contact Holiday Treasures for more information regarding school holiday shops / Santa secret shop fun gift services.
South Dakota

Holiday Treasures in School Gift Shop provides holiday shop services to school's in the U.S. including South Dakota,

Our Christmas time shopping program offers Santa Shop's for all student Lil' Shoppers.

Kid's shop and buy in secret at your school's penguin shop, elf village, reindeer shoppe, or santa's gift shop.

We are Holiday Treasures Gift Shop by Fun Events, Inc. of Wisconsin and Illinois. Our holiday shop services are for fun or fund raising.

South Dakota - School Holiday Gift Shop / Secret Santa Shop
Sioux Falls Rapid City Aberdeen Brookings
Watertown Mitchell Yankton Pierre
Huron Vermillion Spearfish Brandon
Box Elder Sturgis Madison Belle Fourche
Harrisburg Tea Hot Springs Dell Rapids
The Holiday Treasures in school gift shop is brought to you By Fun Events, Inc. of Wisconsin & Illinois. We offer school holiday shops / secret santa gift shops to local South Dakota and also national schools. Our holiday shop services are fun and allows lil' shoppers to be Santa's Christmas time elf. We believe our gift shop program is the best Christmas shopping experience available for school's. We are not like the other penguin / elf or reindeer village holiday shoppes.